Sunday, March 25, 2012
Warning: this is about nothing.
So, it's Sunday afternoon and i'm tired. My oldest two are at Nana's for the afternoon, and Lil Pip is sleeping so I figured why not nap blog? I was actually sitting looking at the state of my bedroom, it's bad. Really, bad. Am I the only one out there whose house goes to shambles over the weekend? I hope not but, if I am, whatever. I just figure I owe myself some time off to just hang out with friends and family, even if I do pay for it on Mondays. I just haven't figured out how to consistently keep my house clean, I can do so well for awhile, then I get to the point where I just don't feel like doing anything else. Grant it, that "feeling" only lasts for a day (or so) but trust me, just 5 mins of that feeling is long enough for my home to turn into what looks like a landfill. Kids have a special way of doing that don't they? You know trashing things in a matter of minutes. Aren't they precious? *insert sarcasm* They say you burn some insane amount of calories when you clean your's a lie. If that were the case then you would never hear of mom's complaining about "baby weight". Speaking of...I hate when the issue of weight comes up in conversation. I always feel pressured to say things like "yeah, if I could just loose that baby weight" and then they always ask, "Oh, how old is your new little one?" Then I respond, "3. 3 years. old." and they look at me like I have a growth coming out of the side of my head. It's an awkward moment for all involved. (Fact: I had to google how to spell "awkward".) OK, so Lil Pip is only 3 months old but still...that scenario that I described has happened before. Ohhh, then you have those people that say "oh, you are nursing, you will loose that weight FAST!" Um, WHO? Who looses weight faster when they are nursing? I don't. In fact i'm like an animal when I am nursing. Lil Pip eats and then I get crazy for some food, so much so that I have been known to take snacks from my own kids. Don't judge me. K? Well speaking of's been 3 hours and I hate doing that chicken peck typing thing so...I'm hoping everyone has a blessed, productive week. :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Why didn't I think of that??
This week started out rough for us. I woke up Monday morning feeling absolutely terrible, I was praying that it wasn't stomach was just a little upset and it would pass, right? Wrong. D was literally at work for 10 minutes before I called him saying "You have to come home. I'm so sick- I can't do this today." The day seemed to go on forever, I'm not sure if that was because I never left my bedroom, or if it was because I watched seasons 1 AND 2 of Jon and Kate Plus 8. (Yep, it was that bad). Anyway, it turned out to be a 24 hour bug, and by Tuesday morning I was up and functioning. Oh, but can I just say nursing a baby while you are constantly on the verge of puking your guts up is NOT fun! Now, fast forward to last night. We had just tucked the older kids into bed and had sat down to relax for the night. I finished feeding lil Pip and was suddenly bathed in a fountain of vomit. I didn't think anything of it at first until the second and third round came and went. She was stuck dry heaving and spitting up stomach bile. So what's a mom to do when her 3 month old is so sick?? Um. PANIC! Hello?! I immediately started into "D what do we do if she gets dehydrated, or, oh my goodness what if she chokes on it and it gets into her lungs?" ...Am I the only mother out there that immediately starts thinking worst case scenario? I need to work on that. D so calmly turned the TV off and said "Well, then I guess we need to pray." I'm sure the look on my face was a puzzled one. He always reacts so calmly and it makes me stop and say to myself "why didn't I think of that?" So he got the oil out of the pantry we anointed her and started praying. To make a long story short, she instantly relaxed and fell into a deep sleep, slept her longest night yet, and has been fine and smiley ever since. My God is so good, let me tell you! This incident has left me pondering today on why God always seems to be my last resort? I'm sure He is up there watching me run around in a frenzy thinking..."Laura, I'm right here." How silly of me. I love my kids so immensely that sometimes it scares me. I honestly am not quite sure I could ever figure out exactly how to live my life if something were to ever happen to one of them, it's a scary thought. However, I am reminding myself today that I can trust my kids to their Heavenly Father, who crafted them and formed them perfectly in my womb. His love for them is far greater then mine. So today I am thankful for my *to me* perfect children, a husband that is grounded in his faith and helps me see things clearer, and to a Holy God that cares enough about my lil Pip to reach down and heal her little body. If any of you other momma's out there have a tendency to be a "worrier" like me, I encourage you to meditate and seek out what it really means to fully trust Jesus with your kiddos. He loves them more then we could ever imagine, and best of all, His ways are far greater then ours.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
So this is blogging...
I can't believe I finally did it. For months I've been living my life constantly saying to people, "If I had a blog I would write about this..." and here I am. Now I have to tell you right from the start, I am not extremely crafty, nor do I grind my own wheat, and bake my own bread. I DO sew though...ok, well, I kind of sew. In fact it was just yesterday I felt so domesticated and on top of things. Picture this: I was sitting in my rocking chair with the bedroom windows open, all my kiddos at my feet, and I was sewing. Really, I was. I was even using my ironing board as a "pin cushion"! Yeah, because I was so on top of things that I ironed D's work uniform when it came out of the dryer. M girl was so thrilled saying things like "Mommy! I can't believe you know how to sew! This is so wonderful! Now you can fix everything!" That last statement is exactly why I didn't ever, I mean, ever want her to know about this hidden talent of mine. Anyway, it really was a beautiful picture. Then I finished sewing the tail back on her beloved cat, Seraphina, who had been tragically attacked by our dog, Feldman. I lovingly, and proudly, I might add presented the "just like new" cat to M girl only to hear her cry out in horror "Mommy!! Her tail is crooked! Oh. my. goodness!" Yep. It was true. I sewed her tail on crooked. VERY crooked. Oh well. It took me about 10 minutes to sew that tail on and for those 10 minutes I felt really good. So, there you have it. I don't claim to be the best house keeper, mom, or even wife, but I am striving everyday to do my best. So here's the skinny: I may or may not have had to iron that uniform because I had already washed it twice and forgot about it in the dryer, and I refused to wash it a third time. Yep! You heard me right. I am that person that will literally re-wash a load of clothes if I left them in the dryer to long and they get wrinkly. Lord knows I hate ironing. Oh, and that's M girls favorite and she asked me to sew it everyday for about three weeks. So see, I don't have it all together but I kinda like it that way. Life is an adventure. Well, this post must come to a close because so far I have burnt my green beans so badly that M girl is telling me they "stink, like, bad." and M boy is screaming because he's stuck under my bed...
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