Thursday, March 22, 2012

So this is blogging...

I can't believe I finally did it. For months I've been living my life constantly saying to people, "If I had a blog I would write about this..." and here I am. Now I have to tell you right from the start, I am not extremely crafty, nor do I grind my own wheat, and bake my own bread. I DO sew though...ok, well, I kind of sew. In fact it was just yesterday I felt so domesticated and on top of things. Picture this: I was sitting in my rocking chair with the bedroom windows open, all my kiddos at my feet, and I was sewing. Really, I was. I was even using my ironing board as a "pin cushion"! Yeah, because I was so on top of things that I ironed D's work uniform when it came out of the dryer. M girl was so thrilled saying things like "Mommy! I can't believe you know how to sew! This is so wonderful! Now you can fix everything!" That last statement is exactly why I didn't ever, I mean, ever want her to know about this hidden talent of mine. Anyway, it really was a beautiful picture. Then I finished sewing the tail back on her beloved cat, Seraphina, who had been tragically attacked by our dog, Feldman. I lovingly, and proudly, I might add presented the "just like new" cat to M girl only to hear her cry out in horror "Mommy!! Her tail is crooked! Oh. my. goodness!" Yep. It was true. I sewed her tail on crooked. VERY crooked. Oh well. It took me about 10 minutes to sew that tail on and for those 10 minutes I felt really good. So, there you have it. I don't claim to be the best house keeper, mom, or even wife, but I am striving everyday to do my best. So here's the skinny: I may or may not have had to iron that uniform because I had already washed it twice and forgot about it in the dryer, and I refused to wash it a third time. Yep! You heard me right. I am that person that will literally re-wash a load of clothes if I left them in the dryer to long and they get wrinkly. Lord knows I hate ironing. Oh, and that's M girls favorite and she asked me to sew it everyday for about three weeks. So see, I don't have it all together but I kinda like it that way. Life is an adventure. Well, this post must come to a close because so far I have burnt my green beans so badly that M girl is telling me they "stink, like, bad." and M boy is screaming because he's stuck under my bed...

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