Monday, August 20, 2012

Little, Sticky Fingers.

I know it has been awhile since I have blogged. How do I know this? I know this because I typed in 3 different web addresses until I figured out the right one. Note to self: it's been way to long if you forget your own blog address. :-/ YIKES. 

Anyway, my last post was titled "Sally Homemaker". Who was I kidding? Seriously? I must have been in a super productive mood that day, that's the only explanation I can give. The only follow up I have to that post is that I did FINALLY get the kids all moved into their new rooms. I haven't finished decorating the way that I would like, and of course there are countless pinterest projects I would love to complete to hang on the walls and such...BUT, that hasn't happened yet. I'm confident it will eventually though. I think... 

So the other night I was tucking Batman in to bed, and we were cuddling and being silly. Bed time is probably my favorite part of the day. Shocker, eh? Ok, it is my favorite for obvious reasons, but more so because of all the cuddles, and giggles that come with it. Anyway, Batman is loving himself some Little Rascals here lately, and is now in this thing of singing "You are so beautiful to me..." to ME! How stinkin' precious is that? So as we are laying cuddling in his bed, he reaches up, puts his chubby little hands on my cheeks and starts serenading me with his oh so sweet, totally off key version of this Alfalfa classic. As the song continued on I noticed I was smelling something weird...but tried to shrug it off. Then Batman slightly moved his hands on my face and I noticed they stuck just a little. Eek. I gently tried removing his hands from my face, but when he is singing his heart and soul out he is only content with those chubby sausages on my face. I started to get nauseous! Seriously, I was getting sick on my stomach. All I could think about is where these little hands had been. Somehow we made it through the song, and I politely declined his offer for a second round. 

Bottom line...this incident really got me thinking about just how nasty our kids hands really are. I mean grant it I do make my kids wash their hands, but I don't have the time to make them wash every hour and then hover over them to make sure they are properly lathering and singing Happy Birthday through 2 times. By the way, this is just a glimpse of what goes on in my on if you dare. What if we were able to do some type of test to see everything that is on our kids hands? Think about it. Chickens, frogs, lizards, pee, poop, dirt, food, the list can go on...this is just a few of the things I find my children handling/wiping. I am positive I would be appalled at all the dirt/germs they are rubbing all over my hands, arms, and face. It's gross just to think about. I remember one day while Batman was potty training he had his hands all over his "part" trying to keep it pointed into the toilet. While doing this he noticed a small cut on his finger that he then shoved in my face and begged for me to "tiss it and mate it better." *GAG* I offered him a prayer, and he was happy with that, thank the Lord! It's things like this that I think about.  And here's the stay at home mom's we rarely shower daily, (don't act like you do) so not only are we a sloppy, unshowered, pajama pant, messy pony tail, mess- we are breeding grounds for bacteria. A walking science experiment. Let that soak in. 

That's really all the thoughts that I have for today, I am sorry I wasted those past 5 minutes of your life. I need to get going, D has started a new work schedule and gets off at 2:30 now! That's 2 hours earlier. I'm excited about this- however, that means that I don't have nearly as much time to waste in the morning hours if I am going to make it appear as though I have been a productive wife by the time he gets home. :) Time to get some laundry, dishes, and school with M girl done. However...I may hurry and grab a shower first. :) 

1 comment:

  1. haha!! I love this post...I feel the need to shower and wash my kid's hands now though...
